Wednesday, November 21, 2018

New Series...

Hey readers!

I just wanted to check in for a bit, and let you know about a side project that is on my heart to complete...

I want to write about my experiences as a Type 1 Diabetic, and the complications that can arise from being bad at Managing it. I want to create Awareness about the seriousness of this particular version of this disease.

So, get ready for...

"I'm a Klutz, and I Know It..."
The Hilarious Confessions 
of a Bad Diabetic.

I know that you will support my endeavors of getting my very unique outlook of Type 1 Diabetes the recognition and seriousness that it deserves.

The complications that come with not taking care of yourself properly can have a devastating effect on your overall health.

And it's  more than just a physical complication, but a mental health issue as well.

Diabetes changes the chemicals in your brain over time. It's inevitable. However, with proper treatment of the disease, you can have a more active, stable life!

I, myself have several complications, and am now willing to share my experiences that can maybe change people's perspective on the disease itself.

Creating Awareness will help create Change!

I will still be writing other things, but health is important.

My daddy once told me, "If You Don't Have Your Health, You Don't Have Anything. "

It's absolutely true.

I thank God for His Grace and Mercy, and without Him, I wouldn't be here today.

All I ask is for your support by reading and sharing my story with as many people as possible.

I will update you about my upcoming project through my personal Facebook page, (Tenina Johnson-Urciaga) or my new Soundcloud page with my Husband, called "Gemineyez!" (More details to come).

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog.

I hope to inspire,  as you all have inspired me.

Until next time,

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