Monday, February 1, 2010

Can I ask you something? ...

Hi all.

It's been absolutely too long since I've written a blog, but my chest capacity cannot take any more pressure, so I have to release some tension (like that old SWV album)...

I am learning a lot about myself. Unfortunately, there are more negative traits that I've found over positive ones.

Here's what the deal is today:

I'm helping my younger sister out with a science project, which is due sooner than we originally thought. I take her to the library today, but truthfully before I left the house I was already a little agitated. I wasn't sure why because no events could have possibly led up to my agitation. I unsuccessfully try to shake it off, but I wasn't putting as much effort into that as I could have!

Anyway, we're in line, and I ask about renewing my misplaced library card. The librarian says that it expired in 1996, and I needed a new one. I explained to her that I actually replaced the library card last year sometime. So she's asking me a series of questions, and I become very agitated. After we get home, we have to look for another project idea since the one I originally picked was time consuming. As I'm looking up information, the middle sister starts asking questions...

Do you get the connection here?

I realized that I have a problem with people questioning me! Actually, I can't stand it!

I think psychologically speaking the questions brings up bouts of uncertainty, which would make me want to check my sources or reconfirm what I already stated.

It's almost like an insecurity thing with me... I feel that if you question me to check my sources, you're stating that you don't trust my word. Or if you ask a question that I feel is "common knowledge" (when, in fact, it really isn't) then you're questioning my intellect and/or wasting my time. (I have an arrogance problem).

Crazy, right? But it irritates me! I can't even explain it better than what I already did!

What I have to remember is that some questions I consider rhetorical really isn't, just because I know the answer to it.

My thought processes and my method of handling situations vary from another person's, and because I'm a thinker, I tend to over-analyze, and take longer routes to solve a problem, because I don't know how to process information on a simpler scale.

My mind just runs, and I really can't help it... it's like a curse and a blessing...

OK, I'm starting to feel better now, that I've gotten that off my chest...

Any encouraging words, thoughts, ideas?

Let me know...

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