Saturday, July 24, 2010

5 months later...

Wow! It has been a long while since I've posted a blog!

So... what's new, you ask?
Well... not much.

New foot injuries, but same set of issues, living arrangements, and people.
And even more upsetting: same old me.

Not good to be stagnant when I said I wanted to change. I need to prepare myself for change mentally before it can physically take place.

Ok, enough with the negative self-review.

I just want to talk about sensitivity levels. I am a very sensitive person. But thinkers usually are. We have a chance to delve into our inner psyche and question our very thought processes and the the thoughts of others.

Now I'm a person who has a lot of medical stuff going on with them. Diabetes is the forerunner in all of my issues and truthfully my lack of control over this disease is the root of all my other problems.

I've been diabetic for 15 years now. January 24th is my "anniversary". This disease has taught me so many things, as well as taken some things away from me. But needless to say, this is a subject I know very well.

A little earlier this evening a statement was made in my presence about a fellow diabetic and their lack of enthusiasm when it comes to taking their meds the way they are supposed to in order to live a comfortable life. The person stated that the diabetic wanted to die.

She meant it as a fact due to the diabetic's carelessness to their health. But I know better. I have oftentimes found myself in the situation where taking my meds the way I'm supposed to can be tedious... to say the least.

And for me, there were very few times in those moments where I wished for death, or even thought about it, for that matter. So to make a statement like that was (in my eyes) ignorant.

Being sick all the time is not easy. Being diabetic everyday takes a strong-willed and disciplined individual. It's a mindset, and not a mindset that is easy for everyone to attain.

For one person it's just as easy as breathing, for another, just as hard holding your breath under water. So to make a statement like that without even knowing the individual, no matter what the intent was...

just wasn't using your head.

See this person can sympathize with a diabetic, having lived with one most of her life, but I can EMPATHIZE; having BEEN one most of my life. And I know, for me, diabetes has always been a struggle and a hardship. Yeah, I caused a lot of that crap on myself, but I know better than to make a statement like that about ANY sickness.

I just had to say that. Be aware of your surroundings; of the things you say. You never know how insensitive you could sound to a person living the life you make judgments about.